Delphi IOUtils. Accessing and changing Directories and Files in Delphi
New Delphi versions provide TDirectory, TFile and TPath records which help to access and change directories and files in a easy way. Lots of procedures and functions available to use. So lets see how to use TDirectory, TFile and TPath First we have to use following units in Uses clause Uses System.IOUtils, System.Types; TDirectory - Any directory related operation 1. Create a new Diretory TDirectory.CreateDirectory('c:\testfolder'); 2. Delete an existing directory TDirectory.Delete('c:\testfolder'); 3. Check if Directory exists TDirectory.Exists('c:\testfolder'); 4. Copy a Directory from One folder to another TDirectory.Copy('c:\Sourcefolder', c:\Destfolder'); 5. Move a Directory from One folder to another TDirectory.Move('c:\Sourcefolder', c:\Destfolder'); 5. Find create time, last opened time and last modified time TDirectory.GetCreationTime('c:\testfolder'); TDirectory.GetLastAccessTime...