Beep vs MessageBeep vs Windows.Beep procedure in Delphi
Beep Beep procedure call generates a very short and quiet sound through the internal speaker of our system. It is used to inform the user that something has gone wring. It is declared in SysUtils unit. and on Windows OS, Beep procedure call Windows API MessageBeep procedure internally. How to use Beep? Start a project. Put a button on it. Make the button's OnClick handler do..... Uses SysUtils; ..........……….... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Beep; end; That’s it, we can hear a sound on button click after application run. MessageBeep The MessageBeep function plays a waveform sound. The waveform sound for each sound type is identified by an entry in the sounds section of the registry. After queuing the sound, the MessageBeep function returns control to the calling function and plays the sound asynchronously. It is declared in Windows unit. MessageBeep(uType: Cardinal); Parameter uType specifies th...