How to get local IP Address in Delphi
Many time we need to check for local system IP address where our application is running. And here I have explained several ways to get local IP Address in Delphi. I have used Delphi Tokyo for the examples so some examples may not execute in old Delphi versions. So lets check the codes... 1. Using Winsock Delphi unit Winsock Unit is a wrapper to Windows Sockets API. This API is generally used to implement client server applications. uses Winsock; ....... function GetLocalIP: string; type TaPInAddr = array [0..10] of PInAddr; PaPInAddr = ^TaPInAddr; var phe: PHostEnt; pptr: PaPInAddr; Buffer: array [0..63] of Ansichar; i: Integer; GInitData: TWSADATA; begin WSAStartup($101, GInitData); Result := ''; GetHostName(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); phe := GetHostByName(Buffer); if phe = nil then Exit; pptr := PaPInAddr(phe^.h_addr_list); ...